Friday, April 3, 2009

Third Entry - Unicorn

think about it


  1. Goodness...your coloring is just as good as Marnie's! When I saw this on my Reading List, I really thought it was Marnie's work at first. What a pretty unicorn.

  2. This is wonderful! (not like that one song though) But I would like to stop for a moment and make fun of you for painting a unicorn. Okay, now to continue with the compliments.... You are very subtle with your renderings and I like it! Is this done in photoshop?

  3. hehe you paint unicorns!!

    it's very beautiful zack! it looks all smooth and cream! but not really. i was just thinking about ice cream.

  4. whats so wrong about me painting a unicorn? it was done in photoshop. christina, you come up with any excuse to think about ice cream.

  5. WAIT!! i just realized that it is a pun!! that is an ear of corn! HAHA man this just got so much better, sorry, I think I was tired this morning, and thought that the unicorn just had a very bumpy...uh, whatever those things are called...horn? anyway, yeah, ice cream....yeah...

  6. Is that going to be in your vis-def portfolio?
